2024 Fall Season General Information and FAQRegistration Dates
Early Bird Registration dates:
March 15th - April 30th - $70 early bird
Regular Registration dates:
May 1st - June 30th - $100
Late Registration dates:
July 1st - August 15th - $100 (Does not guarantee placement on team. Payment will be requested if your player is placed on a team)
$10 off for each additional family member playing. (Immediate family only please)
How Do I Sign My Child Up For AYSO?
You're on our website right now. In the upper right side, click Register Now if you have not registered before, or click Log In if you have registered before, even if you're registering a different child but using the same email address.
After you log in, click Register Now in the upper right hand side. Then select Register My Players, select the number of children you wish to register, and go through the process for each child. If it's past June 15th, you will be told you're placed on the wait list and no payment will be due at that time.
IMPORTANT!! If you're placed on a wait list and the season is about to start or started (SEE THE SECTION "When Does the Season Run" below), you'll need to keep an eye on your email!! If you have been placed on a team but you don't respond in a timely manner with payment, your spot WILL BE GIVEN AWAY.
I can't find my child's birth certificate - is it really necessary (first time registrants)?
Yes unfortunately it really is needed in all youth sports. The registrar must be able to verify your child's age to be sure they're placing them in the correct age group. Without the birth certificate, they can't be placed therefore the registration can't be completed.
As a matter of point, your child's birth certificate is also needed to enter school, so you will need to get your certified copy if you don't have one. For boys and girls born in Arizona, here's the AZ Vital Records page to get your child's birth certificate (they provide expedited delivery options as well): https://www.azdhs.gov/licensing/vital-records/index.php#online-ordering-options
When does the season run?
The season runs from the end of August through the 3rd Saturday in November (generally the Saturday before Thanksgiving). There are between 10-12 games altogether with a one week break which is generally Columbus Day weekend.
Practices run for two weeks (beginning the last Monday in August) and the first game is the Saturday after Labor Day.
When will my player(s) get called by my coach?
Coaches receive their rosters the 3rd week of August and will generally be calling their players that weekend EXCEPT 6U - please see the next paragraph for 6U player information. PLEASE remember that coaches ARE volunteers and have lives so please be patient. You WILL get called. Please be prepared to take notes during that call and be sure to save the coach's contact information.
IMPORTANT: 8U through 14U players practice at least one time during the week. 6U players do NOT practice on weekdays but will generally have a parent meeting and team practice sometime before the first scheduled game. The parent meeting may not occur until the week of Labor Day so if you're a 6U parent please don't panic if you don't get called before Labor Day.
WEBSITE ISSUES? To get support for the backend of the website, click this link then click the Submit a Request button at the bottom of the page.
Why does it say my child is unassigned and what do I do?
This can happen if you registered your child after June 30th in which case they're still on a wait list. The registrar works through waitlisted children after the rosters are made in the 3rd week of August. Children are placed on teams first come, first serve.
If your child gets assigned to a team, you will be contacted via your registered email address so please check that email at least once per day until the first week of October or when your child gets placed. IMPORTANT: if you do not respond within 2 days after you are notified, your spot may be given away to the next waitlisted child.
When will the schedules be out?
The schedules will be completed by the Wednesday evening AFTER Labor Day unless we run into an unexpected snafu. This is the most labor intensive process in the shortest period of time that we must accomplish all season, and we work VERY hard to do the best we can to ensure that we have the best scheduling possible for everyone.
As soon as the schedules are completed we will post them here on our website and we will send a notification post on our Facebook page - so keep an eye out!
It’s August 30th and my child has still not been called. What do I do?
First, be sure your phone number is correct in our system. Many times parents will change their phone number for one reason or another and forget that we need to contact them! If that's the case, please message us on our Facebook page.
Next, for 8U, 10U, 12U, and 14U - if you have not been contacted by the Wednesday after practice starts (the last Monday in August is when practice starts) please contact us on our Facebook page and we will tell you how to proceed.
For 6U players - you may not be contacted until just after Labor Day. If you have not been contacted by the Wednesday after Labor Day, please contact us on Facebook and we will tell you how to proceed.
For 16/19U (if we are running the program) you will be contacted separately and probably by the middle of September because we typically run 2 half seasons - one in Fall and the other in Winter/Spring.
We post regularly on our Facebook so please like and follow the page (be sure you check to see all posts 'first') and check the page if you have a question that's not answered here. The Facebook page is located at https://facebook.com/ayso232/
My child is on the waitlist - how can I find out if he or she is on a team?
We have tens of parents with children that sign up after June 15th so we understand your curiosity. However, those people that register after June 15th must be patient - our registrar absolutely has their hands full juggling their own full-time job plus the full-time job of putting teams together and managing the wait lists for each division.
We can say that if you register on or before June 15th you are GUARANTEED a spot on a team. We provide multiple notifications on our Facebook page for early registration on a timely basis, plus we typically mail post cards to previously registered families.
So please - do your best to be patient while we do our best to get your child on a team - and be sure you check your emails daily after your child gets on the waitlist because that's how we will notify you of their acceptance on a team. An opening could occur at any time and if you don't respond in a timely fashion, your child's spot WILL be given to the next child in line.
Where are practices held?
Practices are held at the various locations in the town that you registered, unless you are placed on a team outside of the town you registered in.
How often are practices held?
6U: Practices are held at the scheduled game time at the field where the game will be played. To get full practice time, players must arrive at the field by the time listed on the schedule. They will practice for about 20 minutes, then play their game. 6U may have one practice per week for the first 2 weeks but that's up to your coach. Other divisions practice each week for the times listed below:
8U – practice 1 hour a week (1 - one hour practice session)
10U – practice 2 hours a week (2 - one hour practice sessions)
12U & 14U up to 3 hours (2 - 1.5 hours practice sessions per week)
When there is no game scheduled, another practice or scrimmage may be held, i.e. the first 2 weeks. Ten Saturday games are scheduled. The first game is scheduled for the Saturday after Labor Day.
IMPORTANT: COACHES SET PRACTICE DAYS AND TIMES FOR THEIR TEAMS. The best thing for you as a parent is to be as flexible and understanding as possible. If you have a request regarding practice times, TBH you will need to coach the team your child is on so you have control over your own practice schedule.
Coaches have their own schedules and do their best to have practices as they should, much less would they feel a need to comply with parent requests. That's honestly how some of us got into coaching :)
What's the Bad Weather Policy?
In case of bad weather, all players should still come to the field unless we have announced otherwise on our Facebook page. The referee at the field will cancel games if necessary. (If no referee is available the coaches on the field may make the decision.)
Games are held on fields throughout the Verde Valley but we are making an effort to consolidate games at the new Camp Verde complex. If you want Cottonwood to move forward with its complex, please contact the city manager and ask how that can be put onto a city council meeting - and attend that meeting to voice your opinion!
What's the Lightning Policy?
Youth soccer has taken a stance where if lightning is seen or thunder is heard, the field must be immediately cleared and everyone is to take shelter. See the CDC's recommendations for thunderstorm safety. Practices and games may resume 30 minutes after the last lightning flash is seen or the last thunder has been heard.
What does the registration fee include?
The registration fee includes: complete uniform (jersey, shorts, socks) and supplemental accident reimbursement insurance.
What else does my child need to play soccer?
♦Shin guards are required and must be provided by parents or guardians. No child may practice or play without them.
♦JEWELRY - NO CHILD may practice OR play with jewelry on, with the exception of prescription glasses and medical ID's. NO EXCEPTIONS - so please keep this in mind when deciding to get ears pierced during the soccer season. You CANNOT just put band-aids over earrings - your child's safety comes first to us!!!!
♦ Soccer ball for practice is strongly recommended
Children 8 and under (6U, 8U) – size 3
Children 12 and under (10U, 12U) – size 4
14U and above – size 5
♦Water bottle is required - bring extra during the hotter months (especially Aug - Sep)
♦Soccer cleats (optional for younger children, strongly recommended for 10U and above) Children may play soccer wearing sneakers. IMPORTANT: There is a difference between football (and baseball) and soccer cleats. Football and baseball cleats have a toe cleat that must be cut off for use in soccer.=
Are registrations refundable?
2024 Refund Policy
Cancellations after June 30th only receive a 50% refund minus the $25 National Fee
Cancellations before June 30th will receive full refund minus $25 National Fee
AYSO is a parent-based Volunteer organization established to provide a positive experience for our children. Go to the games. Learn the rules. Above all, be tolerant of the children's, coach's, and referee's mistakes and weaknesses.
Would you like to learn more about the game of soccer? You could:
- Volunteer to coach
- Volunteer to referee
- Volunteer to help your team
- Learn more about the game of soccer (this is really a nice guide)
- Most importantly, remember that referees are volunteers too (and imperfect, just like you and me). Please be kind to our referees!
I signed up to coach - what do I need to do?
1) Be sure to sign into ayso232.org and complete your application, including the background check request, and sign everywhere you're required to.
2) After 2-3 weeks sign in again to see your background check status. You should have some type of notification some time after applying.
3) If you haven't heard anything, then everything should be fine. Normally if there is a problem with a background check you will receive a notification. You may assume that everything is okay and you will hear from your town commissioner or coach administrator sometime before the coaches meeting which will be two Saturdays before the first practice.
4) Upon a successful background check, you should be contacted by our coach administrator, so please keep an eye on your email for that.
5) Be sure you understand exactly what training you need to take and complete it as soon as you possibly can. This is listed in your volunteer backend area of the website.
6) Reply to your coach administrator with any other questions you may have.
7) RETURNING COACHES (THANK YOU!!): Please log into ayso232.org and click My Account at the top, then Volunteer on the left menu to check your background check and certification and training statuses. If you're required to take courses, click the AYSOU button at the top, then click Training Library on the left to take your required courses. If you're required to take field coach training, the coach administrator will be contacting you. ALSO WE WILL HAVE LIVE TRAINING DIRECTLY AFTER OUR ALL-REGION COACH MEETING so - please plan on attending! This is also a GREAT refresher time!!